【早起き英語】Early bird for English learning

body of water near mountain under cloudy sky during daytime


Being an early bird can have many advantages, especially when it comes to learning English. Studies show that early risers are more productive and healthier. Additionally, early morning is the ideal time for accomplishing long-term goals. On top of that, early birds may have an advantage in business. Therefore, it is beneficial to incorporate an early morning routine into an English learning program.


早起きは、特に英語学習において多くの利点があります。 調査によると、早起きする人は生産性が高く、健康であることが分かっています。 さらに、早朝は長期的な目標を達成するのに理想的な時間帯です。 その上で、早起きはビジネスでも有利に働く可能性があります。 したがって、英語学習プログラムに早起きの習慣を取り入れることは有益なのです。


The Science behind being an early bird

Being an early bird has been linked to a variety of different physiological and psychological benefits. In recent years, numerous research studies have supported the notion that waking up earlier can have a positive effect on one’s cognitive function. Studies have found that early risers tend to be more proactive, demonstrate improved alertness, and have better memory recall.

Additionally, waking up early has been associated with improved problem-solving skills and increased creativity. Furthermore, people who wake up early in the morning tend to be healthier, as they are more likely to engage in physical activity and consume a balanced diet. Lastly, those who wake up early are also more likely to form positive relationships with others and report higher levels of happiness.

In conclusion, the science behind being an early bird clearly indicates that waking up earlier can be beneficial in a wide variety of ways.


早起きは、生理的・心理的にさまざまな効果があると言われています。 近年では、早起きが認知機能に良い影響を与えるという考え方が、多くの調査によって裏付けられています。 調査によると、早起きする人はより積極的で、注意力が増し、記憶を呼び起こす能力が高い傾向があります。

さらに、早起きは問題解決能力の向上や創造性の高まりとも関連があるとされています。 そして、朝早く起きる人は、フィジカルな活動やバランスのとれた食事をとる傾向があるため、より健康的です。最後に、早起きする人は、他人とポジティブな関係を築きやすく、幸福度が高いという報告もあります。



The connection between being an early bird and English learning

Studies have shown that waking up early can help create a consistent study routine, which can lead to better performance in learning a language like English.

Furthermore, waking up early helps with memory retention and recall as the brain is more receptive to new information in the morning. For example, if you wake up earlier and study English for an hour before starting your day, you will be able to remember new words and phrases more easily.

Additionally, the morning is a great time to practice speaking and writing English, as the brain is more likely to process new information quickly. This can help you become more comfortable with the language and help you progress faster.

Therefore, if you are looking to learn English, try to become an early bird!






Tips for becoming an early bird

Start by setting your alarm for 15 minutes earlier each day. This will help you gradually adjust your sleep schedule so you can get up earlier.

Additionally, create a consistent morning routine that helps you feel energized and motivated. Incorporate activities such as stretching, jogging, or having a healthy breakfast. Having a plan can help you stick to your routine and make the most out of your mornings.

Finally, use this extra time to study or work on projects. Turning off any distractions and focusing on tasks can help you get ahead and set yourself up for success throughout the day.


毎日15分早く目覚ましをセットすることから始めましょう。 そうすることで、徐々に睡眠時間を調整し、早起きできるようになります。

さらに、活力とやる気を感じられるような、一貫した朝の習慣を作りましょう。ストレッチやジョギング、健康的な朝食など、様々なアクティビティを取り入れてみましょう。 計画を立てることで、習慣を守り、朝を最大限に活用することができます。

最後に、余った時間を勉強やプロジェクトに使うことです。 雑念を払い、仕事に集中することで、一日を成功に導くことができます。


Early risers have the potential to benefit from improved English learning. Studies show that early birds are likely to be more productive and healthier, and tend to get more physical activity than night owls.

Additionally, male night owls tend to be more sedentary. Therefore, becoming an early bird can help to improve one’s English language proficiency, as well as their overall health.

Parents should encourage their children to try rising earlier and see the positive effects it can have on their English learning. With dedication and consistency, an early morning routine can provide significant benefits that will last a lifetime.


早起きする人は、英語学習向上の恩恵を受ける可能性を秘めています。 研究によると、早起きする人は夜更かしする人よりも生産性が高く、健康的で、運動量も多い傾向があります。

さらに、男性の夜更かしは、より座りっぱなしでいる傾向があります。 したがって、早起きをすることは、英語力の向上だけでなく、健康全般の改善にもつながっています。

保護者はお子さんに早起きを勧めて、英語学習に良い影響を与えることを実感してほしいものです。 献身的で一貫性があれば、早朝の日課は一生続く大きなメリットをもたらします。

